product marketing, checkout 51

One of the best parts of working within a small marketing team is having the ability to own the entire user journey for product launches. Starting with usability sessions, we walked existing members through the new experience, not only to test the functionality but to determine what we needed to launch the product successfully. From there, we developed a marketing plan, including an “out of app” experience with launch emails and push notifications, and educational in-apps once a member hit the app. We also added in-list links to align with our “OG” user experience, so our “power” users wouldn’t feel lost in the new designs.
Sketch of the original user flow, a “teaser” email was added. Mockup of in-list links.
“Out of app” launch flow, includes a “teaser” email, launch email, launch push notification, and a follow up email.
In-app launch flow, included in-app messages when a user interacted with each of the tabs.